Q & A
Q - Dear Binary Bloke, what's all this M.A.M.E about then?
A -

MAME is a program designed to run on personal computers to emulate as many real arcade games as possible, with the intent of preserving gaming history and preventing vintage games from being lost or forgotten. M.A.M.E STANDS FOR Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator.

Q - Dear Binary Bloke, how does M.A.M.E work?
A -

MAME contains several components: a CPU emulator which duplicates the behaviour of the CPUs of many original arcade machines; an input emulator which maps arcade buttons, joysticks, and other controls to PC keyboards, joysticks and other devices; and an emulator for the arcade game display and sound equipment. The only thing missing from M.A.M.E is the ROM image, which is the program from the original arcade game which made the game run.

Q - Dear Binary Bloke, what is a ROM?
A -

Ah, the missing piece of the puzzle... Well in order to play M.A.M.E games you need a ROM file for each arcade game and boy; they are quite tricky to find on the net, even if you do find them on an obscure torrent they currently add up to a whopping 40 gb for a full set. Ouch I hear you say, that's my download allowance gone for the month...

Q - Dear Binary Bloke,  how do I go about getting hold of some ROM'S
A - Well my friend you have two options:

Option 1:

Send your blank DVD's to me (due to demand, the average lead time for this method is 8 -12 weeks).

Send me the correct amount of DVD's stating which ROM's you are after,  pop them in a self addressed envelope with postage for UK @ £2.50.

Note: The DVD's MUST be Branded Quality media in cases  ( NOT loose bulkpaq, datarite etc... ), DVD+R format and LEAST 16x speed. If you wish to choose this option, then contact me at info@thebinarybloke.com for postal details.
Q - Are you mad Binary Bloke, I can't wait that long!
A - Then option 2, is for you.

I will provide the media (NO PROFIT). Average lead time for this method is 1 to 5 days.

Just go to direct to the order page.

Note: - All Paypal prices include 1st class postage to the UK only.
Q - Dear  Binary Bloke, I don't live in the UK - Cry!
A -

Fear not my friend, help is at hand. If you are international based, please send an email to info@thebinarybloke.com to get a quote for shipping, before you order via Paypal, just add the amount I quote to your order.

Q - Dear Binary Bloke, so what do I need to play all the other cool stuff you have listed?
A -

You need a specific EMU or emulator my friend, just order the ROM's and pop yourself over to the download page. Here you will find everything you need to play your games or demos.

Q - Dear Binary Bloke, what's the difference between a demo and a game
A -

Demo's were a BIG thing on the Amiga, they are not demo games at all, but masterpieces of the past. Usually they are graphical, sound great and really show off the potential of the equipment. Good fun to watch (eye candy).

Q - Binary Bloke I have so much to ask you!



Any questions, no matter how silly just email me at info@thebinarybloke.com if I can help then I will.

Q - Binary Bloke - Is this illegal?
A -

Absolutely not. Not on your nelly! It is not illegal to download or use an emulator or to request a backup copy of a "ROM" as long as you own the original or if the copyright owner has given his permission.

The vast majority of companies that previously owned the copyrights are no longer in business. Also the games are not being sold anymore, they are not available in their original formats and they are no longer commercially supported. As long as no one is harmed by the distribution of these old games then no one really minds.

ROM sets are mainly used for the development of emulators or the testing of emulators. It's your responsibility to abide by these rules if you are requesting a set. Current working emulators and open source development programs can be found on the links page.

This is a hobby and not a business. The funds received are to cover time and the purchase of the raw materials for you! The contents are provided free of charge.

Please purchase yourself a set now and help keep these old games alive.